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[KASI Colloquium] Jan. 8 (Wed.) 4:00 pm - 최영준 박사 (한국천문연구원) / Dr. Young-Jun Choi (KASI)
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2025-01-07 13:26:04
첨부파일 :




오는 수요일(1 8) 오후 4:00 아래와 같이 2024 하반기 마지막 정규 콜로키움이 진행될 예정입니다.

발표 후에는 연사와의 대화시간(5:00-5:40) 예정되어 있으니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


발표자: 최영준 박사 (한국천문연구원 우주과학본부 우주탐사그룹)

호스트: 문홍규

장소: 장영실홀 331-2

일시: 1 8 () 오후 4:00

교육학점: 천문연 소속 현장참석자의 경우 필수 0.5 학점 부여


이번 콜로키움은 오프라인으로만 진행하므로 유의 하시기를 바랍니다


제목: Surface Properties of airless bodies in the Solar System


  The optical properties, chemical composition, and structure of materials on the surfaces of airless bodies in the Solar System, such as the Moon and asteroids, are altered by cosmic-ray irradiation, including solar wind and galactic cosmic rays, as well as by micrometeorite bombardment. These processes are collectively known as space weathering, which is why the differences exist between telescopic observations of asteroids and meteorites in reflectance and spectral properties. The regolith of the surface experienced shattering, abrasion, and compression for a long-lived history of the bodies. Sometimes, dust particles lofted by impact or electrostatic force cover the surface on top of the regolith. The situation gets more complicated once volatiles, such as water, are involved. These complex processes are impossible to reproduce or simulate on Earth comprehensively, even with the samples from the Moon and asteroids. A new approach, such as polarimetry using PolCam, onboarded Danuri, and GrainCams for NASA CLPS, the Commercial Lunar Payload Service program, will contribute to understanding the regolith's surface structure and properties. In this opportunity, I will also introduce the scientitic motivations of LUSEM, LSMAG, and LVRAD instruments for NASA CLPS and discuss future lunar exploration plan updates.


진행언어: 한국어

슬라이드언어: 영어


2024 하반기 천문연구원 콜로키움 일정


( 일정은 연사분의 상황에 따라서 변경될 있습니다.)


천문연 콜로키움 위원회 (김종수, 선광일, 이창원, 문홍규, 노혜림, 한정열)

운영위원회 (김진호, 김영민, 이석호, 송영범, 오재석, 윤용민




Dear all,


The KASI's regular colloquium is scheduled at Jan. 8, as shown below.

A conversation session with speakers is scheduled after the colloquium.


Speaker: Dr. Young-Jun Choi (KASI)

Host: 문홍규

Place: Jang Yeong-sil Hall 331-2

Time: January 8 (Wed) 4:00 pm 

KASI Educational credits: 0.5 educational credits are awarded to off-line attendees.


Note that this colloquium is offline only.


Title: Surface Properties of airless bodies in the Solar System


  The optical properties, chemical composition, and structure of materials on the surfaces of airless bodies in the Solar System, such as the Moon and asteroids, are altered by cosmic-ray irradiation, including solar wind and galactic cosmic rays, as well as by micrometeorite bombardment. These processes are collectively known as space weathering, which is why the differences exist between telescopic observations of asteroids and meteorites in reflectance and spectral properties. The regolith of the surface experienced shattering, abrasion, and compression for a long-lived history of the bodies. Sometimes, dust particles lofted by impact or electrostatic force cover the surface on top of the regolith. The situation gets more complicated once volatiles, such as water, are involved. These complex processes are impossible to reproduce or simulate on Earth comprehensively, even with the samples from the Moon and asteroids. A new approach, such as polarimetry using PolCam, onboarded Danuri, and GrainCams for NASA CLPS, the Commercial Lunar Payload Service program, will contribute to understanding the regolith's surface structure and properties. In this opportunity, I will also introduce the scientitic motivations of LUSEM, LSMAG, and LVRAD instruments for NASA CLPS and discuss future lunar exploration plan updates.


Language: Korean

Slide Language: English


2024B KASI Colloquium Schedule


(This schedule may vary depending on the speakers' schedule.)


KASI Colloquium committee (Jongsoo Kim, Kwang-Il Seon, Chang Won Lee, Hong-Kyu Moon, Hyerim Noh, Jeong-Yeol Han)

Working committee (Jinho Kim, Young-Min Kim, Seokho Lee, Youngbum Song, Jae Sok Oh, Yongmin Yoon)

이전글 [KASI Colloquium] Dec. 18 (Wed.) 4:00 pm - Dr. Huanyu Teng (KASI)
다음글 [KNU Colloquium ]Revealing the nature of dark energy in the universe