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[KASI Special Seminar] on LISA space gravitational wave detector - July 7 (Fri) 10:00 am - Prof. David Shoemaker (MIT)
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2023-07-03 10:20:04
첨부파일 :

저희 한국천문연구원 천문우주기술센터에서 

중력파 검출기술의 발전을 이끌어 주역 분인

MIT David Shoemaker 교수님을 모시고 아래의 특별 강연을 개최합니다.



- 연사: David Shoemaker (MIT Kavli Institute)


- 제목: "Exploring the Gravitational-Wave Spectrum: LISA"


- 일시: 2023 7 7 () 오전 10


- 장소: 한국천문연구원 장영실홀 331-2 세미나실


- 원격 참석(Zoom): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83936541994?pwd=dXp0Q0cvR0hxYUUwVXNnSlhaamU3Zz09


- 초록:

The great success with the terrestrial gravitational-wave detectors only increases the interest in exploring further the GW spectrum. The LISA mission – Laser Interferometer Space Antenna – is focused on GW sources far more massive than those accessible to terrestrial detectors, with rich rewards in understanding supermassive black holes and their dynamics. It also offers the ability to resolve waveforms with an accuracy impossible to achieve otherwise, and so can enable searches for deviations from General Relativity and can map the horizon of black holes using ‘tiny’ intermediate-mass black holes as test particles. This talk will summarize the observational science goals for LISA, explain the measurement technique and challenges, and provide a status and roadmap to launch.



David Shoemaker 교수님은 라이고(LIGO) 중력파 검출기의 개발에 있어

Advanced LIGO 업그레이드 프로젝트의 책임자와

LIGO Scientific Collaboration 대변인을 역임하며

최초의 중력파 검출과 최초의 다중신호 관측 성공에 크게 공헌하였습니다.

이번 강연의 주제인 리사(LISA) 우주 중력파 검출기 프로젝트에 대해서도

초기 임무 정의 단계부터 참여하셨으며, 현재 국제 LISA 컨소시엄의 미국 대표로 활동하고 있습니다.


이번 강연은 그동안 국내에 소개할 기회가 많지 않았던 LISA 우주 중력파 검출기에 관해 

자세하고 생생한 내용을 들을 있는 좋은 기회이니 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.


강연 후에는 연사와의 점심식사에 함께 하실 있으며,

오후 2시에 은하수홀 1 대회의실에서 다과를 곁들인 대화의 시간도 가질 예정입니다.

원활한 준비를 위해, 참석하실 분은 아래의 연락처로 미리 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.


연락처: 한국천문연구원 박원기 박사 (wkpark@kasi.re.kr)




한국천문연구원 천문우주기술센터 

이성호 드림




We are pleased to announce that Prof. David Shoemaker at MIT, one of the leading figures in the development of gravitational wave detectors, will be giving a special lecture at KASI, hosted by the Technology Center for Astronomy and Space Science.



- Speaker: David Shoemaker (MIT Kavli Institute)


- Title: "Exploring the Gravitational-Wave Spectrum: LISA"


- Date: Friday, July 7, 2023 at 10:00 am


- Venue: KASI Jangyeongsil Hall, Seminar Room 331-2


- Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83936541994?pwd=dXp0Q0cvR0hxYUUwVXNnSlhaamU3Zz09


- Abstract:

The great success with the terrestrial gravitational-wave detectors only increases the interest in exploring further the GW spectrum. The LISA mission – Laser Interferometer Space Antenna – is focused on GW sources far more massive than those accessible to terrestrial detectors, with rich rewards in understanding supermassive black holes and their dynamics. It also offers the ability to resolve waveforms with an accuracy impossible to achieve otherwise, and so can enable searches for deviations from General Relativity and can map the horizon of black holes using ‘tiny’ intermediate-mass black holes as test particles. This talk will summarize the observational science goals for LISA, explain the measurement technique and challenges, and provide a status and roadmap to launch.



David Shoemaker, a professor at MIT, has made significant contributions to the development of gravitational wave detection technology. As the leader for the Advanced LIGO upgrade project and the spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, he played a key role in the first detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of multi-messenger astronomy. He has also been involved in the LISA space gravitational wave detector project since the early stages of the mission definition, and he is currently the U.S. representative for the International LISA Consortium.


This lecture is a great opportunity to learn more about the LISA space gravitational wave detector, which has not had many opportunities to be introduced in Korea. We hope you will join us for this exciting event.


After the lecture, you can join a lunch with the speaker. In the afternoon, you are also welcomed to a tea time with the speaker in the conference room on the first floor of Eunhasu Hall at 2:00 pm. We would appreciate it if you could let us know if you will join lunch and/or tea time attend in advance so that we can make smooth arrangements. Please contact Dr. Won-Kee Park (wkpark@kasi.re.kr) for this.


Best wishes,


Sungho Lee

Technology Center for Astronomy and Space Science, KASI

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