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[KASI Colloquium] November 30 (Wed) 10:30 am - Youngdae Lee (CNU) / 이영대 (충남대학교)
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2022-11-28 12:39:01
첨부파일 :



이번주 수요일(11 30) 오전 10:30 아래와 같이 정규 콜로퀴움이 진행될 예정입니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


발표자 : 이영대 박사 (충남대학교)

호스트 : 박홍수 (광학천문본부)

장소장영실홀 331-2 원격 연결

일시11 30 () 오전 10:30


교육학점천문연 소속 현장참석자의 경우 필수 0.5 학점 부여


제목: Searching rare dwarf novae using KMTNet


Dwarf novae are a binary system with short orbital periods (a few minutes to hours). Being one of the cataclysmic variable stars, dwarf novae show quasi-periodic outbursts which are triggered in the accretion disk around the primary star via accreting materials from the secondary star. During outbursts, they show various peculiar shapes of the observed light curves. For the past ~70 years, over five thousand dwarf novae have been observed and outburst mechanisms became well known. Thermal-viscous instability makes accumulated mass in the accretion disk dumped onto the primary star during the outburst and the accretion disk become brightened. Despite the many previous studies, some parts of the evolution of dwarf novae are still unknown since, especially, dwarf novae with very short orbital periods of <60 minutes or low-metallicity secondary stars are rarely observed. KMTNet has the ability to discover these rare dwarf novae and in this talk, I will show the strength of the KMTNet in finding these invaluable pieces to get better understanding of their evolution.


진행언어 : 한국어

슬라이드언어 : 영어


원격 접속 방법 :

A. 브라우저 : Chrome 추천하며 아래 주소를 실행시 Zoom 구동을 위한 프로그램이 

    설치될 있음
접속 주소https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84597516884?pwd=OHVjOEQra1lSZ242K2tOZWY4T2Nzdz09
유의사항 : 접속 "마이크는 뮤트로 설정" - 기본설정은 뮤트로 되어있음
질의 응답시간에는 마이크를 사용해서 질문 가능함


2022 하반기 KASI 콜로퀴움 일정


( 일정은 연사분의 상황에 따라서 변경될 있습니다.)


천문연 콜로퀴움 위원회 (홍성욱, 최지훈, 오희영드림




Dear all,


KASI's regular colloquium is scheduled on this Wednesday, November 30.


Speaker : Dr. Youngdae Lee (CNU)

Host : Hong Soo Park 

Place : Jang Yeong-sil Hall 331-2 & Online

Time : Nov. 30 (Wed) 10:30 am 

Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84597516884?pwd=OHVjOEQra1lSZ242K2tOZWY4T2Nzdz09

KASI Educational credits: 0.5 educational credits are awarded to off-line attendees.


Title: Searching rare dwarf novae using KMTNet


Dwarf novae are a binary system with short orbital periods (a few minutes to hours). Being one of the cataclysmic variable stars, dwarf novae show quasi-periodic outbursts which are triggered in the accretion disk around the primary star via accreting materials from the secondary star. During outbursts, they show various peculiar shapes of the observed light curves. For the past ~70 years, over five thousand dwarf novae have been observed and outburst mechanisms became well known. Thermal-viscous instability makes accumulated mass in the accretion disk dumped onto the primary star during the outburst and the accretion disk become brightened. Despite the many previous studies, some parts of the evolution of dwarf novae are still unknown since, especially, dwarf novae with very short orbital periods of <60 minutes or low-metallicity secondary stars are rarely observed. KMTNet has the ability to discover these rare dwarf novae and in this talk, I will show the strength of the KMTNet in finding these invaluable pieces to get better understanding of their evolution.


Language : Korean

Slide Language : English


Remote access procedure :


A. Web browser : Chrome - When executing the address below, a program for additional zoom operation can be installed.

B. Access : Go to  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84597516884?pwd=OHVjOEQra1lSZ242K2tOZWY4T2Nzdz09

C. Notice : After join, Please mute your microphone. - The default setting is microphone mute.
     > After the presentation, during the Q&A session, you can use the microphone to ask questions.


2022B KASI Colloquium Schedule


(This schedule may be changed according to the situation of the speaker.)


KASI Colloquium committee (Sungwook E. Hong, Jihoon Choi, Heeyoung Oh)

이전글 [KASI Colloquium] November 23 (Wed) 10:30 am - Kenji Kadota (HIAS-UCAS)
다음글 [KASI Colloquium] December 7 (Wed) 10:30 am - Jinhye Park (KHU) / 박진혜 (경희대학교)