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[KASI Colloquium] September 28 (Wed) 10:30 am - 안성훈 (기초과학연구원) / Tony Ahn (IBS)
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2022-09-27 11:25:23
첨부파일 :



이번주 수요일(9 28) 오전 10:30 아래와 같이 정규 콜로퀴움이 진행될 예정입니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

발표자 : 안성훈 박사 (기초과학연구원 희귀핵연구단)

호스트 : 김진호 (이론천문센터

장소은하수홀 소극장  원격 연결 (대면/비대면 병행)

일시9 28 () 오전 10:30



제목:  Nuclear Experimental Studies to understand the Origin of Elements

초록: In order to answer the fundamental open question of "Where do nuclei and elements come from", studies of nuclear properties with powerful rare isotope beam (RIB) facilities are critical. Moreover, with the recent astonishing observation of the first neutron star merger by astronomers, understanding nuclear spectroscopic properties of short-lived nuclei has become very important to demonstrate outcomes of the event such as gamma-ray, optical and X-ray emissions. However, because most of the key nuclei constraining the nucleosynthesis models including the rapid proton capture process (rp-process) and the rapid neutron capture process (r-process) are far from stability, our understanding of astronomical observables is still very limited due to large uncertainties in calculated properties of the nuclei and a lack of measurements with radioactive ion beams for the spectroscopic information. While there are a few RIB facilities in the world, which provide short-lived radioactive beams to perform studies of nuclear properties of exotic nuclei, new generation RIB accelerator facilities around the world including FRIB in the U.S., RIBF in Japan and RAON in Korea will be available soon. Recent experimental studies of key nuclei performed at the existing facilities will be presented as well as new active research activities at the Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS), Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Future plans on how to take advantage of the new facilities including RAON will also be addressed.


진행언어 : 영어



원격 접속 방법 :

A. 브라우저 : Chrome 추천하며 아래 주소를 실행시 Zoom 구동을 위한 프로그램이 

    설치될 있음
접속 주소https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84597516884?pwd=OHVjOEQra1lSZ242K2tOZWY4T2Nzdz09
유의사항 : 접속 "마이크는 뮤트로 설정" - 기본설정은 뮤트로 되어있음
질의 응답시간에는 마이크를 사용해서 질문 가능함


2022 하반기 KASI 콜로퀴움 일정


( 일정은 연사분의 상황에 따라서 변경될 있습니다.)


천문연 콜로퀴움 위원회 (홍성욱, 최지훈, 오희영드림




Dear all,


KASI's regular colloquium is scheduled on this Wednesday, September 28.


Speaker : Dr. Sunghoon (Tony) Ahn (Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies, IBS)

Host : Jinho Kim

Place : Auditorium at Eunhasoo Hall & Online

Time : Sep. 28 (Wed) 10:30 am 

Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84597516884?pwd=OHVjOEQra1lSZ242K2tOZWY4T2Nzdz09


Title: Nuclear Experimental Studies to understand the Origin of Elements


In order to answer the fundamental open question of "Where do nuclei and elements come from", studies of nuclear properties with powerful rare isotope beam (RIB) facilities are critical. Moreover, with the recent astonishing observation of the first neutron star merger by astronomers, understanding nuclear spectroscopic properties of short-lived nuclei has become very important to demonstrate outcomes of the event such as gamma-ray, optical and X-ray emissions. However, because most of the key nuclei constraining the nucleosynthesis models including the rapid proton capture process (rp-process) and the rapid neutron capture process (r-process) are far from stability, our understanding of astronomical observables is still very limited due to large uncertainties in calculated properties of the nuclei and a lack of measurements with radioactive ion beams for the spectroscopic information. While there are a few RIB facilities in the world, which provide short-lived radioactive beams to perform studies of nuclear properties of exotic nuclei, new generation RIB accelerator facilities around the world including FRIB in the U.S., RIBF in Japan and RAON in Korea will be available soon. Recent experimental studies of key nuclei performed at the existing facilities will be presented as well as new active research activities at the Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS), Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Future plans on how to take advantage of the new facilities including RAON will also be addressed.


Language : English

Slide Language : English


Remote access procedure :


A. Web browser : Chrome - When executing the address below, a program for additional zoom operation can be installed.

B. Access : Go to  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84597516884?pwd=OHVjOEQra1lSZ242K2tOZWY4T2Nzdz09

C. Notice : After join, Please mute your microphone. - The default setting is microphone mute.
     > After the presentation, during the Q&A session, you can use the microphone to ask questions.


2022B KASI Colloquium Schedule


(This schedule may be changed according to the situation of the speaker.)

이전글 [KASI Colloquium] September 21 (Wed) 10:30 am - 이은수 (서울대학교) / Eunsoo Lee (SNU)
다음글 [KASI Colloquium] October 19 (Wed) 10:30 am - Nguyen Thi Phuong (KASI)