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저자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2022-07-25 15:00:35 | |||||||||
안녕하십니까. 다음주 월요일(8월 1일) 오후 4:00에 대형망원경사업단에서 주관하는 특별 세미나가 예정되어 있음을 알려드립니다. 연사 : 서혜원 박사 (Gemini/NOIRLab) 장소 : 장영실홀 331-2 및 원격연결 일시 : 8월 1일 (월) 오후 4:00 - 5:00 접속주소 : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85694725008?pwd=NDQzWGhTbC9VbTFLYmJKWXBCbHVsQT09 제목: A missing
black hole population of optically invisible X-ray sources in the early
universe 초록: The recent discovery of a significant cross-correlation signal
between the residual cosmic X-ray and infrared backgrounds points towards the
possibility of a yet undiscovered population of heavily obscured black holes in
the early universe. Here I will present the newly-discovered 62 optically
invisible X-ray sources (i.e., without any optical/NIR counterparts) in the
COSMOS field, ~60% of which are detected in ALMA 870um continuum observations.
For those ALMA-detected sources, we found that the majority are most likely
heavily obscured AGNs at z=3-6, or even at higher redshift. Some objects show
extremely red infrared colors that cannot be explained by any of known obscured
AGN/ULIRG spectra, but consistent with the spectral predictions for a direct
collapse black hole model. This is possibly the first population of accreting
black holes. JWST Cycle 1 observations (PI:Suh) are scheduled for some of these
targets to identify the nature of these sources, which is critical not only to
start exploring the heavily obscured population at high redshift but also to
provide valuable observational constraints on a hidden phase of a significant
growth of supermassive black holes in the early universe. 진행언어 : 영어 오희영 드림. Dear all, On August 1 (Mon) 4:00 pm, there will
be special seminar hosted by Center for Large Telescopes of KASI. Speaker : Dr. Hyewon Suh (Gemini/NOIRLab) Place : Jang Yeong-sil Hall 331-2
& Online Schedule : August 1 (Mon)
4:00-5:00 pm Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85694725008?pwd=NDQzWGhTbC9VbTFLYmJKWXBCbHVsQT09 Title: A missing black hole population of
optically invisible X-ray sources in the early universe Abstract: The recent discovery of a significant cross-correlation signal
between the residual cosmic X-ray and infrared backgrounds points towards the
possibility of a yet undiscovered population of heavily obscured black holes in
the early universe. Here I will present the newly-discovered 62 optically
invisible X-ray sources (i.e., without any optical/NIR counterparts) in the
COSMOS field, ~60% of which are detected in ALMA 870um continuum observations.
For those ALMA-detected sources, we found that the majority are most likely
heavily obscured AGNs at z=3-6, or even at higher redshift. Some objects show
extremely red infrared colors that cannot be explained by any of known obscured
AGN/ULIRG spectra, but consistent with the spectral predictions for a direct
collapse black hole model. This is possibly the first population of accreting
black holes. JWST Cycle 1 observations (PI:Suh) are scheduled for some of these
targets to identify the nature of these sources, which is critical not only to
start exploring the heavily obscured population at high redshift but also to
provide valuable observational constraints on a hidden phase of a significant
growth of supermassive black holes in the early universe. Language : This talk will be given in English. |
이전글 | 이전글이 없습니다. |
다음글 | [KASI Special Seminar] August 1 (Mon) 2:00 pm - Dr. Lev Tal-Or (Ariel University, Israel) |