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[전문서] Conceptual Features of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity Based on the Philosophy of Science (오준영 지음) (2022)
저자 : 심채경 등록일시 : 2022-10-14 02:08:10
첨부파일 :
Conceptual Features of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity Based on the Philosophy of Science

지은이: 오준영
출판사: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
발행일: 2022-09-15
ISBN: 9798886971071

The main objective of this book is to present the theory of general relativity in a direction that will be intelligible, informative, and interesting to the individual reader. Many of the texts about general relativity are either too thin on detail or too narrow in scope; this book was written with the aim of rectifying these shortcomings.


Forword A
Chun Hwey Kim

Foreword B
Jong Kwan Lee


Chapter 1. Background of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity: Newton’s Metaphysical Mechanistic Worldview and Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity

Chapter 2. What Are Some Important Heuristic Principles in the Process of Formulation of the Theory of General Relativity?

Chapter 3. Is It Possible to Generalize the Theory of Relativity?

Chapter 4. The Beauty of Scientific Theories (The Theory of General Relativity) Based on Aesthetic Values

Chapter 5. The Expanding Universe

Chapter 6. Philosophical Status on the Theory of Relativity Based on Various Scientific Theories

Chapter 7. The Philosophical Understanding of Time-Space, and Matter: Based on Newtonian Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity

Summary and Conclusion


About the Author


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다음글 [청소년서] 과학기술진로 컨설팅 북 (김상철 외 공저) (2022)